Monday, January 21, 2008

Women's National Book Association

Did I mention I've taken on just one more volunteer thing? I'm now the editor for the national newsletter, Bookwoman, which is part of the Women's National Book Association. I'm in the process of doing reminders to everyone to get me their chapter news and announcements before the end of this month... but of course I'm behind in the assignments I have for myself. A whole folder full of stuff arrived from the former editor that I still need to review, I committed to four separate long articles for the main body of the newsletter, and although they are drafted, they're certainly not done.

My parents are coming to visit this weekend so I won't get much done then. And that leaves just a few days between now and the end of the month. Next month we have baby birthing class on Tuesday nights and yoga continues on Wednesdays... so it's time for time-organizing again. I hate that. But it's pretty necessary.

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Baby, baby!

I have really tried to make an effort not to be the whiny pregnant girl... but today I'm having some of those round ligament pains - both sides of my stomach - and the back is hurting pretty good too. It makes me tired. I took some Tylenol - also something I am trying to avoid - but it just took the edge off the ligament pains and did nothing for the back. And it made me more tired. So now we're home from yet another family Christmas, which was fun, but we had to be the party poopers because I just couldn't take the discomfort.

We've also started readying the baby room, in earnest. I took out two more tubs of clothes from the room and another bag for the Goodwill. Tubs go downstairs with the many others that are already there. Then the bookcase in the living room was emptied out, and moved into baby's room. My desk will move to the other side of the living room at some point, and boxes of books, videos and CDs will go, guess where, yup... the basement. A pile of books will also find a new home at the Milan library. Scott calls it making the house "lean." It's definitely less cluttery.

Plans for doing the baby registry at Target and/or Babies R Us are set for next weekend. I am trying to get together with my friend Kim to get a list of invitees for one of the baby showers...and we both want to do some baby clothes shopping at a couple of the boutique-y type places in Ann Arbor.

Pretty overwhelming to think there will soon be another person living here, someone who can't do anything for themselves, relying solely on us for all the things they need. Dudley is sort of like that but we don't have to spend half an hour feeding him or dressing or bathing him ... we have a lot of adjusting to do.