Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Reflections on a year of change

A year ago I was miserably unemployed, heading into my last semester of graduate school with no clear idea of what I wanted to write a thesis about, wondering if I would ever be truly happy again. I am glad to report that I've made the necessary changes in my life to get past all of that, and I am well on my way to a life that I love to live. There are things that are still to be wrapped up but most of it is good and I am grateful for people who take a chance on me...grateful for new friends, old friends, supporters and a little faith thrown in for good measure. As I sit here looking over the bills I have due, I am actually not overwhelmed for once, and I can count on several people who I could call right now who would be happy to hear from me. I have a closetful of clothes which at the moment are all clean, the house is not a wreck, my roommate and I are quietly communing with each of our computers and I actually worked out today for an hour. I had a relaxing weekend with my new computer and about a half dozen movies...along with meeting new friends and enjoying the company of those I have known for years. I have a long way to go still and I am a work in progress. But that's okay, I always have been.

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