Friday, April 25, 2008

I love spring!!

Not only is this kid cute, he's smart too.

I am really enjoying spring this year, and not solely for the reason pictured here, although that is part of it. I think I am noticing things more; things that normally I wouldn't have had time to look for. I saw the tulips and daffodils bud and grow and bloom this year. It seems every day the buds on the bushes and trees are getting larger, and the lilies are growing like crazy. I am feeling the financial crunch of being partly out of work but it is nice to spend time outside these days just doing nothing, watching my dog sniff around and holding my son. And I don't feel guilty about it at all.

I am coming to the end of my SAHM days, and actually that's OK. I think if I had to spend the next year worrying about money and mostly confined to the house all day with just my son to talk to... well, my brain would go to mush in short order.

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