Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Writing the novel - week 2

So far so good. A page and half of single spaced text--a short chapter, now in progress. Probably one of the only humorous parts of the book, too. It's the story I have told over and over as an example of how moronic my ex was. It's visual and has a lot of detail. It's the story that sticks with me, and easy for me to tell since it's one of the only instances that is not frought with heavy emotion. A good starting point. I'll post it here when it's ready to be seen.

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Something's getting written tomorrow!

So today I was supposed to start yoga. Only when I called the gym yesterday to make the commitment, they told me there wasn't enough interest in the 2x/week class so it would just be a Tues. only class and I'd have to be a drop-in. So that's a little more expensive but not bad.

I got a call from day care yesterday that Ethan had a fever and some stomach upset... so back to the dr. again. Only the regular doctor this time instead of an urgent care. The end result was that he was put on some allergy meds, hopefully that will dry him out once and for all. And he's been put on another antibiotic, because his ear infection is not only not healed up yet but it's back in the right ear again too. So I had to leave work early, pick him up, go to the doc, go to CVS for the prescription... then get home.

Scott got up this morning to leave extra early for work and realized he had a flat tire. So he had to take my car and I stayed home w/the kids. Thank God for a flexible employer!

Which means... no yoga, *and* no writing today. But the writing will happen tomorrow, and I will go to yoga next Tuesday.


Monday, February 08, 2010

So much for Tuesdays

Another 2010 goal of mine is to get back to yoga... I've been saying it now for 2 years and haven't done it. Now, an opportunity for Yogalates class has just presented itself. Not only is it cheap, but it's offered in 1/2 hour increments at my lunch hour across the street from where I work! And a couple of girls from the office are going too. It's a no-brainer.

The only problem? It's Tuesdays and Thursdays! So I'm switching up my "writing day" to Wednesdays now. Which leaves only 2 lunch hours a week to run errands... but I truly need to get some exercise again. I felt so much better overall, and slept better, when I was doing that regularly. I even felt sharper mentally.

Could it be that I get a novel done *and* get myself in shape, all in one year...? Stay tuned.

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Writing the novel - Day 1

Today I was able to crank out 4 ds pages of ideas for chapters/stories/situations for the characters. It was all just remembering the crazy stuff that happened. I thought I wouldn't remember much but it was flowing pretty well. One thing led to another, and another. I even was remembering people's names which never happens. So I think it was a pretty successful first day. Baby steps, baby steps. Next week: fleshing out one of the ideas into a page or two of narrative.

I'm realizing today, this is going to be a LONG book.

Monday, February 01, 2010

Back to writing

And not just on here either. I've now designated each Tuesday's lunch hour to writing, so I can finally start on that book that's been in my head for years. I'm hoping that it will be therapeutic for me, and maybe some good writing will show up while I'm purging years of frustration & annoyance from my brain (left over from my previous life). I'm going to monitor my progress via Facebook status updates and on here, so come along with me while I venture down The Memory Highway of Hell and try to tell the story of what happened in my life between 1999 and 2005.