Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Ethan update

I've been remiss on keeping any updates going on this blog about our little guy.

Last weekend the two teeth that have been bothering him finally cut through - bottom lower, in the center. He looks cute with teeth. (OK, he looks cute anyway. :) ) He has taken to chewing on just about everything: his highchair tray, clothing, blankets, stuffed animals, the side of his binky, a finger, your hair... essentially anything he can get his hands on. He reaches out now - mostly with the right hand - to grab things with all four fingers and sort of scratch them toward himself. He's also started sleeping on his side and rolling to his side to play. He still won't sit up by himself but that's only because he wants to stand up instead.

He's also getting more protein now, with Gerber and Beech Nut turkey and chicken "dinners." He doesn't like them alone so I heat them up a little, mix them with any vegetable and then he chows. His eating has been off lately, sometimes he eats so much it's sort of freaky and other times he only wants formula. We've been trying the sippy cup here and there, with apple juice, and he seems to like playing with it. He does get some juice out of it, but not much. So far he's not had any reactions to any foods, which is a relief. He started on barley cereal a couple of days ago and seems to really like it.

He is telling big long stories now, with a lot of "blah blah blah" noises and sometimes singing "lalalalala." Occasionally we can get him laughing REALLY hard, but it's never when the video camera is on, of course. When the camera comes out, he notices it and seems to act differently. Hm, wonder where he got that??

We've had to elevate his head while he sleeps at night because he has been really congested (alternating with a runny nose too). With the mattress elevated, it comes right up to the edge of the crib rail (we keep it down). I think we'll be lowering the crib before the weekend; he'll be pulling himself up soon and don't want any mishaps.

I'm still sorting out some of the 3-6 month clothes, which don't fit, that keep surfacing in the laundry... I've got a huge tub in the basement just about full. He's definitely wearing 6 mo. stuff but there are a couple of 9 mo. size pieces he can wear. Everyone comments about how long he is now. Maybe just because he's so much bigger than he used to be! He and Katie are about the same weight but he is taller. Crazy!